
Merging is the process within Inheriti® where beneficiaries combine their encrypted plan shares to reveal and access the protected data in a protection plan.

How Merging Works

Initiation by the Merge Authority (MA)

The merging process begins when the Merge Authority, a designated beneficiary within the protection plan, initiates the merge.

This triggers the countdowns for the activation methods tied to the plan.

Activation Methods

Depending on whether the protection plan is a Data Backup Plan or a Digital Inheritance Plan, the merging process will involve specific activation methods:

  • Plan Triggers are used in backup plans and require explicit actions (like entering a code or clicking a link) to proceed with the merge.

  • Dead Man Switch (DMS) is employed in inheritance plans and automatically triggers if the plan owner fails to take a necessary action within the set time frame.

Combining All Shares

Once the activation methods are successfully triggered, the validator share is released from the blockchain. The Merge Authority, together with the selected beneficiaries, then combines all the required plan shares, reconstructing the data to make it accessible.

Reveal The Data

The merged shares reveal the original, unencrypted data.

This data is now visible -for a selected maximum amount of time- on the screen of the Merge Authority and thus to all beneficiaries present.

Why Is The Merging Process Important?

The merging process ensures that the plan owner’s data remains secure and inaccessible until all the correct conditions are met. This process adds an extra layer of security by making sure that no single person or entity can access the data on their own, without permission of the plan owner and other beneficiaries. It’s a crucial part of both protecting and eventually retrieving valuable digital assets.

By carefully configuring the protection plan, selecting trusted beneficiaries, and choosing the right activation methods, the merging process becomes the secure bridge between encrypted data and the moment it’s needed the most.

Last updated